Our work for Poštová banka, a.s.
BackOffice Automation for Poštová banka, a.s.
Fabrici Management Consulting has implemented a Solution for Automation of BackOffice Processes in Poštová banka, a.s.
Main technology components are webMethods Integration Server (business logic, flow control and solution management), FlatFile adapter (reading the data sources and preparing required outputs), JDBC adapter (persisting the data for auditing and data history).
The solution dramatically increases the work efficiency and minimizes the operational risk.
Automation of bailiff requests for Poštová banka, a.s.
Fabrici Management Consulting has delivered an Automation of bailiff requests in Poštová banka, a.s.
Apart from webMethods Integration Server and BPMS, the CAF (Composite Application Framework) has been used to implement user interfaces for the processes-oriented solution in back office.
Automated business process of mortgages APS for Poštová banka, a.s.
Fabrici Management Consulting has successfully implemented automated Business process of Mortgages APS (Application Processing System).
The Integration services and orchestrations have been implemented using webMethods Integration Server, automated business process has been designed and implemented on webMethods BPMS.
For operational monitoring and analysis of business process instances Poštová Banka uses the Optimize Engine. Based on the long-term analyzed values the bank has improved the APS Business Process several times – i. e. with elimination of minimally used flows or redesign the process with control logic to skip certain tasks when not required.