Naša práca
Všetky naše zručnosti a vedomosti pochádzajú z viac ako 15 ročnej praxe poskytovania služieb našim klientom. Medzi naše hlavné úlohy patrí predovšetkým paradenská činnosť v oblasti optimalizácie podnikania spojená s dodávkou softvérových riešení na mieru v súlade našimi odporúčaniami. Medzi hlavné domény, ktorým sa rozumieme patria:
Návrh a realizácia informačných systémov v našom ponímaní predstavuje komplexný súhrn aktivít zameraných na identifikáciu a vývoj cieľového produktu. Realizácia informačných systémov je proces, ktorý zanalyzované biznis požiadavky pretaví na funkčne ucelený cieľový produkt. V súčasnosti sa riadime predovšetkým agilnou metódou vývoja, kde sa jednotlivé fázy realizácie prelínajú, iteratívne doplňujú a vylepšujú. S vývojom veľkých a robustných systémov máme know-how naprieč rôznymi odvetviami priemyslu.
Servisne-orientovaná architektúra (SOA) je návrhový vzor, ktorý v súčasnosti predstavuje vo svojich variáciách štandard vo vývoji korporátnych informačných systémov. SOA je procesne riadený koncept, ktorý sa zameriava na implementáciu biznis funkcionality prostredníctvom služieb, pričom pod službou rozumieme ucelenú modulárnu jednotku s definovaným rozhraním, ktorá predstavuje pre-použitelný blok softvéru, ktorý môže byť súčasťou väčšieho automatizovaného biznis procesu.
Riadenie biznis procesov (BPM) sa stal témou dňa v polovici 90-tych rokov minulého storočia. BPM v našom ponímaní rozumieme predovšetkým ako súbor manažérskych princípov a stratégii. Medzi hlavné aspekty BPM zaraďujeme modelovanie, automatizáciu, riadenie a následnú optimalizáciu jednotlivých organizačných procesov. Pre viac informácii kliknite sem.
Podniková architektúra (PA) predstavuje súhrn metód, ktoré sú používané na modelovanie súčasného alebo budúceho stavu jednotlivých štrukturálnych oblastí spoločností. Medzi dané štruktúry potom zahrňujeme interné biznis procesy, informačné systémy, osoby alebo iné organizačné jednotky. Namodelovaná podniková architektúra potom ponúka jednoznačnú odpoveď na otázku, či je pôsobenie jednotlivých spoločností a ich častí v súlade s ich cieľmi. Pre viac informácii kliknite sem.
Fabrici Management Consulting spolupracuje so širokým spektrom organizácii pri riadení zmien za účelom realizovania jednotlivých vízii. Pri vytváraní stratégii v IT sfére sme zástancami evolučného prístupu, ktorými garantujeme plynulosť a nezvratnosť zmien vyplývajúcich z predom definovanej stratégie. Oblasti strategického myslenia, v ktorých sme doma, sú predovšetkým:
- Biznis stratégie
- Vývoj produktov
- Distribučné kanály
- Marketing & Obchod
- Podniková architektúra
Medzi hlavné ciele BI pokladáme reporting, data mining, manažment výkonnosti biznis procesov alebo prediktívne analýzy. BI je vo svojej podstate metóda štatistickej analýzy, ktorá môže pomôcť odhaliť vzory zákazníckeho správania, životného štýlu, demografie a pod.
Hlavné domény našej práce
Business Process Model developed according to the selected Notation standards (Modeling Methodology) is the way to know the context and details about the Business Process itself and serves as the basis for the decisions for possible process automation and/or process improvements.
Business Process Automation delivers IT solutions that support the Business by the Automation of certain steps within the Business Process or Business Process as a whole that results into better Business Process performance. Modern and efficient automation uses BPM Systems that control the communication with various IT Systems, integrate them and manage the flow of action, data and control and distribute the activities according to the actors and roles within the Business Process.
Considering the approach – „you can’t manage what you can’t measure“ helps to understand what Management of a Business Process means. This includes measurement of both quality and efficiency in the context of processes, real-time measurement (Business Activity Monitoring) and strategic measurement (Process Performance management).
Process optimization entails collection and analysis of Process snapshots and their correlation, as the basis for improvement and innovation.
Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an architectural style (concept). It is often understood as a way of implementing an Enterprise Architecture.
SOA is a (business) process-driven concept, which focuses on the implementation of the Business functionality via services. A service is a modular functionality with an interface that represents reusable building block that might be Orchestrated into an Automated Business Process.
Fabrici Management Consulting has got proven track of experience in Design and Implementation of SOA solutions supported with SOA Governance, using various technologies.
Business Intelligence (BI) refers to computer-based techniques used in analyzing business data, such as sales, products performance, customer segments, departments or associated costs and incomes, controlling etc.
Common functions of Business Intelligence are reporting, online analytical processing, analytics, data mining, business performance management, benchmarking and predictive analytics.
BI is primarily a form of statistical analysis but may also include artificial intelligence. It can be used to reveal meaningful patterns about customer behavioral habits, lifestyle, demographics and so on, which would otherwise remain hidden and thus provides indications of how customer relationships can be improved. Furthermore, it can be focused on such tasks as campaign management analysis, credit scoring and customer profiling.
Enterprise Architecture Management is the practice of applying a comprehensive and rigorous method for describing a current and/or future structure and behavior for an organization’s processes, information systems, personnel and organizational sub-units, so that they align with the organization’s core goals and strategic direction. Although often associated strictly with information technology, it relates more broadly to the practice of business optimization in that it addresses business architecture, performance management, organizational structure and process architecture as well. The primary reason for developing and managing an Enterprise Architecture is to support the business by providing the fundamental technology and process structure for an IT strategy. This in turn makes IT a responsive asset for a successful modern business strategy.
The Enterprise Architecture consists of two parts:
- Business Architecture
- IT Architecture
In practical terms, the Business Architecture is also often necessary as a means of demonstrating the business value of subsequent Technical Architecture work to key stakeholders, and the return on investment to those stakeholders from supporting and participating in the subsequent work.
The IT architecture is important to business leaders because it can promote—or obstruct—the launch of new processes, products, and channels. The problems caused by a poor IT architecture are particularly evident in cases where IT is the musculature of the business. Many institutions find that their IT units can’t efficiently support multi-channel offers, because products and channels are served by separate IT systems that communicate only to a limited extent. Business leaders experience frustration because IT takes too long to make changes, their cost is too high, or they fail to deliver the expected features. Many such problems are rooted in the IT architecture.
Fabrici Management Consulting works with leaders in a wide range of organizations to drive the implementation and deployment of their mission and vision. We support evolutionary approach in implementation of changes in organizations to make sure the strategic changes become irreversible. Our key areas of expertise of Strategy include:
- Business strategy
- Product Development
- Distribution Channels
- Marketing & Sales
- Enterprise Architecture
- Information technology
The implementation of the strategy often requires cultural transformation that enables organizations to achieve success in their agenda and initiatives. It is a proved approach that integrates both strategic insight with skills and experience in change the way organizations work.